Let’s Give Your Bathroom a Facelift

Are you just itching to change something up in your house but are worried about the cost, or not being satisfied with the end result? Here is an effective way to achieve that change of scenery you’re dying to get without consequence. Here are just a couple of ways you can add a whole new look to your home and have fun while doing it. We recommend starting with the guest bath, or if you’re willing, the master bath!

Pick a wall to make your accent wall, pick out a fun color with some pop to it and get painting. If colors aren’t your style, pick up some marbled vinyl wallpaper and use that as the accent instead! This achieves a high-class look for a very low price and is easily achieved DIY style.

Next grab a plant of some sort. Real or fake, we won’t judge. Add that to one of the corners of the bathroom to give it a dash of life and natural coloring. 

Organization is key to getting that high-class look and keeping your space clean and functional. If you suffer from clutter, now is the time to tackle it. Go through all those old products, and do a deep clean. Once you’ve thrown out the 4-year-old bottles of unopened products and 7 shades of dried-out lipstick (hey, we’re all guilty of it), grab some cute organization baskets from your local target and rearrange how your products are displayed.

You’re almost done! Lastly, grab some new towels that highlight your freshly accented or marbled wall to complete the look and display them in an aesthetic manner- if you’re not feeling that, try adding your own twist to your new bathroom display.

If you’re still itching for more and willing to up the budget a tad, splurge for a new vanity and backsplash, it’ll make all the difference!